KALCHINSON B. Cukierki - fabr. Sugar Plant
KARTYGANER D. Rozne towary General store
Dawid KARTIGANER was married to Fradel KELCZ.
This couple and four of their children (Samuel, Zelda, Chaskel and Meszel)
are listed on Pages of Testimony.
KATZ Blawaty Fabrics
KATZ B. Opal Fuel for heating
Ber / Berl KATZ?
KATZ Tartaki Sawmill
KATZ D. Wyszynk trunkow Liquor store
KELCZ M. Olejarnio Oils
Menachem Mendel KELCZ, listed on Page of Testimony?
KESSLER S. Rozne towary General store
KESSLER E. Shory Leather
According to a Page of Testimony, Ezriel KESSLER had a shop for leather.
KLEINER L. Krawcy Tailor
KNOPF Ch. Galanterja Haberdashery
Chaim KNOPF?.
KNOPF S. Galanterja Haberdashery
KNOPF R. Krawcy Tailor
KNOPF A. Rzeznicy Butcher
Abraham KNOPF?
KOENIG N. Blawaty Fabrics
KOENIG J. Kaszornie
KOENIG M. Rolnicze narzedzia. Agricultural tools
KOENIG E. Zelazo Iron
Pages of Testimony for Eliasz Elijahu KOENIG, an iron merchant , and his
wife Fradel BUCHMAN.
KONIG Wyszynk trunkow Liquor store
KORB R. Wyszynk trunkow Liquor store
Could this be Rachel KORB nee ROSENBACH, the wife of Dawid Hersch KORB?
KORMANN N. Krawcy Tailor
A Page of Testimony was submitted by M. Lerer for Natan KORMANN, tailor, a widower. Whom had he married and when did she die?
KORNAGA M. Bednarze Cooper
KOSLOWSKI St. Apteki Pharmist
KOSTRYNSKA St. Akuszerki Midwife
KOZLOWSKI S. Drogerje Drugstore
KRAMERMAN G. Wyszynk trunkow Liquor store
This is probably Gerschon Gerszon KRAMERMAN KRÄMERMAN who died in 1932.
He had been married to Pesia nee BRYNER BRUNER, who had died in 1915.
KRAMERMANN J. Rozne towary General store
This may be Jakob Aron KRAMERMAN , married to Rachel.
They are listed on Pages of Testimony.
KRAMERMANN L. Rozne towary General store
This may be Leibusch KRAMERMAN, married to Milka.
Leibusch was a son of gershon and Pesia KRAMERMAN.
There are Pages of Testimony for Leibusch, but none for Milka.
KRUCZEK Sz. Dr. Lekarze MD
KUPFERSCHMIDT Ch. Woda sodowa - fabr. Soda water factory
M. Lerer submitted Pages of Testimony for Chaim Wolf KUPFERSCHMIDT
and his wife Nesza nee IZRAEL.
M. Lerer submitted Pages of Testimony for Chaim Wolf KUPFERSCHMIDT
and his wife Nesza nee IZRAEL.
KUTSCHER E. Krawcy Tailor
M. Lerer submitted Pages of Testimony for Efraim and Keile Kajla KUTSCHER
Efraim is listed as a tailor.
KUTSCHER J. Krawcy Tailor
A relative submitted Pages of Testimony for Josef KUTSCHER, a tailor,
and his wife Pepi nee KLIPEL. This family lived in Krakow before the war.
LANGER S. Rozne towary General store
LEMLER A. Krawcy Tailor
LEMPEL M. Rozne towary General store
LISOWSKI J Bednarze Cooper
LOBHEIT M. Galanterja Haberdashery
The widow Marjem LOBHEIT is listed on a Page of Testimony
submitted by M. Lerer.
She had been married to Chaim Leib LOBHEIT who died in 1929.
According to the death registry. Marjem LOBHEIT nee HASS,
died in 1931, 65 years old. My understanding of this is that
M. Lerer knew the husband had died, but did not know that
Marjem LOBHEIT had died.
LESZCZYNSKI Zygmunt Dr. Dyrekt. Szpital poeszech Hospital director
MAJERAN Ch. Galanterja Haberdashery
Possibly Chiel MAJERAN.
MAJERAN A. Rozne towary General store
MALACKI J. Ciesle Carpenter
MARKIEWICZ M. Kowale Blacksmith
MAZURKIEWICZ H. Wyszynk trunkow Liquor store
MEDER K. Nierogacizna - eksport Swines - export
MEDER L. Nierogacizna - handel Swines -commerce
MEDER W. Nierogacizna - handel Swines - commerce
MEDER F. Piwo Beer
MEDER L. Piwo Beer
MEDER Fr. Wedliny Meat
MEISTER S. Krawcy Tailor
Could this be Selig MEISTER? There are no Pages of Testimony for him,
so hopefully he and his family emigrated in time.
MELLER S. Galanterja Haberdashery
MICHALSKI P. Pogrzebowe przedsiebiors Funeral undertaker
MOHR Ign. Dr. Adwokat Lawyer
Ignacy MOHR died in 1934 at the age of 59.
MOND S. Rozne towary General store
Szprinze MOND? She had been married to Mendel MOND who had died in 1916.
She herself died in Dec 1940 and has a gravestone.
MUDRECKI Sz. Restauracje Restaurant
MUDRECKI Sz. Wyszynk trunkow Liquor store
MUELLER M. Shory Leather
NADEL J. Rozne towary General store
This may be Jakob NADEL listed as a merchant on the Page of Testimony
submitted by M. Lerer..
NUSSBAUM M. Rozne towary General store
This may be Moses Hersz NUSSBAUM who was married to Priwe nee BELZ.
This blog regarding those buried at the Jewish Cemetery of Lubaczow, replaces blogs from 2013 and 2014. Thanks to: 1. Bogdan Lisze, my local contact, who photographed many of the stones. Sadly he died in July 2024. 2. Descendants of the Jewish families who once lived in Lubaczow for sharing their knowledge. 3. Jewish Records Indexing- Poland for their valuable assistance in improving the data. Corrections and improvements are welcome. Eva Floersheim efloersheim (at) gmail.com
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Lubaczow Business directory 1929, G - J
GABEL J. Kaszarnie
Kosha Pakman thinks this might be Jakob GABEL, the brother of Kosha's
grandfather Abraham GABEL.
Jakob GABEL was murdered in March 1942.
The GABEL family was grain merchamts, trading in grain between
Poland, the Ukraina and Russia.
GABEL A. Rolnicze art. Agricultural supplies
Kosha Pakman wrote this may be Abraham GABEL who died in 1933
at the age of 70, but it could possibly be Kosha's grandfather who
was 33 years old in 1929.
He knows the GABEL family also were selling agricultural supplies.
The grave of Abraham GABEL who died in 1933:
GABEL A. Rozne towary General store
Could this be Abraham GABEL who died in 1933 at the age of 70?
The grave of Abraham GABEL who died in 1933:
GABEL O. Szewzy Shoemaker
This is probably Ozjasz GABEL who had a shoe shop, according to
Page of Testimony submitted by M. Lerer.
GACZOL I. Wedliny Meat
GAERTNER E. Zboze Grain
Could this be Elias GÄRTNER who died at the age of 60 in 1934?
GAMS F. Rozne towary General store
GAMS J. Rozne towary General store
GERSTENFELD R. Hotele Hotels
GERTEL J. Zboze Grain
GLEICH E. Dr. Adwokat Lawyer
GOLUCHOWSKI hr. A Mlyny Miller
GOLUCHOWSKI hr. Agenor Tartaki Sawmill
GORECKI Fr. Szewzy Shoemaker
GOTLIEB Ch. L. Blacharze
Could this be Chaim Leib GOTTLIEB who died in 1934, 91 years old?
GOTLIEB O. Blacharze
Is this the tinsmith Osias GOTLIEB, who M. Lerer submitted a Page
of Testimony for?
GOTLIEB J. Ksiegarnie Book store
GOTLIEB S. Rozne towary General store
Could this be Scheindla GOTTLIEB who died in 1938, 69 years old?
GOTTLIEB H. Blawaty Fabrics
GOTTLIEB R. Olejarnio Oils
GRAFF D. Shory Leather
M. Lerer submitted a Page of Testimony for Dawid GRAF, a leather merchant,
married to Rachel/
GROSSMAN H. Blawaty Fabrics
GROSSMAN H. Piekarnie Baker
GRUSZKIEWICZ Oo. Olejarnio Oils
HAAS O. Rozne towary General store
HALPERN B. Kuchezine naczynia Kitchen articles
HALPERN O. Rozne towary General store
HALPERN D. Shory Leather
HANDWERKER M. Dachowki - fabr. Roofs - factory
HASS A. Introligatorzy Bookbinder
Abraham HASS?
HELLER Ch. Blawaty Fabrics
Theory: Chaim HELLER died in 1921, 68 years old.
His wife Feiga HELLER nee KATZ died in 1930, age 75.
Could Feiga (and their children?) have continued the business after 1921?
HERCBERG B. Kieski swierzece
HERCBERG M. Mleczarskie saklady Milk shop
HERZBERG A. Blawaty Fabrics
Could this be Aharon HERZBERG, married to Frida nee FEDER,
who are both listed on Pages of Terstimony?
HERZBERG M. Hotele Hotels
HERZBERG E. Krawcy Tailor
This is probably Efroim HERZBERG, married to Chaja Sara.
He is listed on several Pages of Testimony.
HERZBERG A. Rozne towary General store
HERZBERG J. Rozne towary General store
Could this be Josef HERZBERG, a merchant, married to Gitel,
both listed on Pages of Testimony?
HERZBERG S. Woda sodowa - fabr. Soda water factory
HERZBERG E. Wyszynk trunkow Liquor store
HERZBERG J. Zelazo Iron
HERZBERG S. Rozne towary General store
HIRSCHEL L. Krawcy Tailor
HOFFMAN I. Krawcy Tailor
INGLOT Wlad. Komendant Strat ogniowa Policemaster
JAKUBCZAK Fr. Dr. Lekarze MD
JAMNICKI J. Bednarze Cooper
JANKLEWICZ Powrosnicy Ropemaker
JAWORSKI L. Ogrodnicze zaklady Garden shop
Kosha Pakman thinks this might be Jakob GABEL, the brother of Kosha's
grandfather Abraham GABEL.
Jakob GABEL was murdered in March 1942.
The GABEL family was grain merchamts, trading in grain between
Poland, the Ukraina and Russia.
GABEL A. Rolnicze art. Agricultural supplies
Kosha Pakman wrote this may be Abraham GABEL who died in 1933
at the age of 70, but it could possibly be Kosha's grandfather who
was 33 years old in 1929.
He knows the GABEL family also were selling agricultural supplies.
The grave of Abraham GABEL who died in 1933:
GABEL A. Rozne towary General store
Could this be Abraham GABEL who died in 1933 at the age of 70?
The grave of Abraham GABEL who died in 1933:
GABEL O. Szewzy Shoemaker
This is probably Ozjasz GABEL who had a shoe shop, according to
Page of Testimony submitted by M. Lerer.
GACZOL I. Wedliny Meat
GAERTNER E. Zboze Grain
Could this be Elias GÄRTNER who died at the age of 60 in 1934?
GAMS F. Rozne towary General store
GAMS J. Rozne towary General store
GERSTENFELD R. Hotele Hotels
GERTEL J. Zboze Grain
GLEICH E. Dr. Adwokat Lawyer
GOLUCHOWSKI hr. A Mlyny Miller
GOLUCHOWSKI hr. Agenor Tartaki Sawmill
GORECKI Fr. Szewzy Shoemaker
GOTLIEB Ch. L. Blacharze
Could this be Chaim Leib GOTTLIEB who died in 1934, 91 years old?
GOTLIEB O. Blacharze
Is this the tinsmith Osias GOTLIEB, who M. Lerer submitted a Page
of Testimony for?
GOTLIEB J. Ksiegarnie Book store
GOTLIEB S. Rozne towary General store
Could this be Scheindla GOTTLIEB who died in 1938, 69 years old?
GOTTLIEB H. Blawaty Fabrics
GOTTLIEB R. Olejarnio Oils
GRAFF D. Shory Leather
M. Lerer submitted a Page of Testimony for Dawid GRAF, a leather merchant,
married to Rachel/
GROSSMAN H. Blawaty Fabrics
GROSSMAN H. Piekarnie Baker
GRUSZKIEWICZ Oo. Olejarnio Oils
HAAS O. Rozne towary General store
HALPERN B. Kuchezine naczynia Kitchen articles
HALPERN O. Rozne towary General store
HALPERN D. Shory Leather
HANDWERKER M. Dachowki - fabr. Roofs - factory
HASS A. Introligatorzy Bookbinder
Abraham HASS?
HELLER Ch. Blawaty Fabrics
Theory: Chaim HELLER died in 1921, 68 years old.
His wife Feiga HELLER nee KATZ died in 1930, age 75.
Could Feiga (and their children?) have continued the business after 1921?
HERCBERG B. Kieski swierzece
HERCBERG M. Mleczarskie saklady Milk shop
HERZBERG A. Blawaty Fabrics
Could this be Aharon HERZBERG, married to Frida nee FEDER,
who are both listed on Pages of Terstimony?
HERZBERG M. Hotele Hotels
HERZBERG E. Krawcy Tailor
This is probably Efroim HERZBERG, married to Chaja Sara.
He is listed on several Pages of Testimony.
HERZBERG A. Rozne towary General store
HERZBERG J. Rozne towary General store
Could this be Josef HERZBERG, a merchant, married to Gitel,
both listed on Pages of Testimony?
HERZBERG S. Woda sodowa - fabr. Soda water factory
HERZBERG E. Wyszynk trunkow Liquor store
HERZBERG J. Zelazo Iron
HERZBERG S. Rozne towary General store
HIRSCHEL L. Krawcy Tailor
HOFFMAN I. Krawcy Tailor
INGLOT Wlad. Komendant Strat ogniowa Policemaster
JAKUBCZAK Fr. Dr. Lekarze MD
JAMNICKI J. Bednarze Cooper
JANKLEWICZ Powrosnicy Ropemaker
JAWORSKI L. Ogrodnicze zaklady Garden shop
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Lubaczow Business Directory 1929, D - F
DOMINITZ S. Rolnicze art. Agricultural articles
Could this be Samuel DOMINITZ, born in Radymno, married to Reisel SILBERSTEIN? They and their children Chaim, Fryda and Moses are
listed on Pages of Testimony as Holocaust victims.
DOMINITZ S. Zboze Grain
Could this be Samuel DOMINITZ, born in Radymno, married to Reisel SILBERSTEIN? They and their children Chaim, Fryda and Moses are
listed on Pages of Testimony as Holocaust victims.
DONNER R. Krawcy Tailor
DORNER H. Wegiel Coal
This is probably Hersch DORNER married to Keila ADLER. They and
two of their sons - Natan and Moses - are listed on Pages of Testimony.
DRAHOJOWSKA hr. M. Mlyny Miller
DRUCK J. Rozne towary General store
DRUCK D. Shory Leather
This is probably Dawid DRUCK who was married to Dwojra.
M. Lerer has written Pages of Testimony for them.
What happened to their children born in the 1920's and 1930's?
DRUCKER F. Piekarnie Baker
This is probably Feiwel (Shraga) DRUCKER, a baker, who was
married to Syma nee DONNER. Syma sadly died in 1915.
When Feiwel was murdered in Holocaust he was listed on the Page of
Testimony as a widower.
EGERT I. Dachowki - fabr. Roofs - factory
EGERT I. Malarze Painter
There was a painter named Wolf EGERT listed as a Holocaust victim.
Could this have been his son Izaak EGERT, and could Izaak and
his wife and children have escaped as they are not listed on Pages of Testimony?
Could this have been Leser Lipa EISENSTEIN , married to Eidel?
They are listed by M. Lerer on Pages of Testimony. What happened to their children?
ENGELHARD Spirytucija Alcohol
FALIK F. Tokarze Machinist(?)
FALIK N. Zegarmistrze Watchmaker
According to a Page of Testimony submitted by his son Kopel Falik,
Nechemia FALIK was a watchmaker and was murdered in Holocaust.
FELDSTEIN W. Rozne towary General store
This is probably Wolf FELDSTEIN, who had a general store.
He was married to Pesia nee STEINBRUCH. According to the Page of Testimony submitted by M. Lerer for Wolf FELDSTEIN, he was a widower. I have not found a death record for his wife Pesia.
FISCHBEIN A. Dr. Adwokat Lawyer
FISCHLER K. Rozne towary General store
This may be Moses Fischman.
FLEISCHER S. Rozne towary General store
Could this be Salamon FLEISCHER , son of Dawid FLEISCHER,
both originally from Narol?
FRAENKEL O. Frysjersy Barber/Hairdresser
Oskar FRENKEL was a hairdresser and there is a Page of Testimony
for him, submitted by M. Lerer
FRAENKEL Ch. Rozne towary General store
It is likely that this is Chaim FRENKEL, with a Page of Testimony
submitted by M.Lerer.
FRAENKEL M. Rozne towary General store
This may be Moses Fraenkel who was married to Syma.
FRAENKEL Sz. Rozne towary General store
FRAENKEL S. Rozne towary General store
FRENKEL E. Akuszerki Midwife
FRIEDMANN M. Drozdze Yeast
FUCHS M. Rozne towary General store
FUCHS L. Szewzy Shoemaker
Could this be Samuel DOMINITZ, born in Radymno, married to Reisel SILBERSTEIN? They and their children Chaim, Fryda and Moses are
listed on Pages of Testimony as Holocaust victims.
DOMINITZ S. Zboze Grain
Could this be Samuel DOMINITZ, born in Radymno, married to Reisel SILBERSTEIN? They and their children Chaim, Fryda and Moses are
listed on Pages of Testimony as Holocaust victims.
DONNER R. Krawcy Tailor
DORNER H. Wegiel Coal
This is probably Hersch DORNER married to Keila ADLER. They and
two of their sons - Natan and Moses - are listed on Pages of Testimony.
DRAHOJOWSKA hr. M. Mlyny Miller
DRUCK J. Rozne towary General store
DRUCK D. Shory Leather
This is probably Dawid DRUCK who was married to Dwojra.
M. Lerer has written Pages of Testimony for them.
What happened to their children born in the 1920's and 1930's?
DRUCKER F. Piekarnie Baker
This is probably Feiwel (Shraga) DRUCKER, a baker, who was
married to Syma nee DONNER. Syma sadly died in 1915.
When Feiwel was murdered in Holocaust he was listed on the Page of
Testimony as a widower.
EGERT I. Dachowki - fabr. Roofs - factory
EGERT I. Malarze Painter
There was a painter named Wolf EGERT listed as a Holocaust victim.
Could this have been his son Izaak EGERT, and could Izaak and
his wife and children have escaped as they are not listed on Pages of Testimony?
Could this have been Leser Lipa EISENSTEIN , married to Eidel?
They are listed by M. Lerer on Pages of Testimony. What happened to their children?
ENGELHARD Spirytucija Alcohol
FALIK F. Tokarze Machinist(?)
FALIK N. Zegarmistrze Watchmaker
According to a Page of Testimony submitted by his son Kopel Falik,
Nechemia FALIK was a watchmaker and was murdered in Holocaust.
FELDSTEIN W. Rozne towary General store
This is probably Wolf FELDSTEIN, who had a general store.
He was married to Pesia nee STEINBRUCH. According to the Page of Testimony submitted by M. Lerer for Wolf FELDSTEIN, he was a widower. I have not found a death record for his wife Pesia.
FISCHBEIN A. Dr. Adwokat Lawyer
FISCHLER K. Rozne towary General store
This may be Moses Fischman.
FLEISCHER S. Rozne towary General store
Could this be Salamon FLEISCHER , son of Dawid FLEISCHER,
both originally from Narol?
FRAENKEL O. Frysjersy Barber/Hairdresser
Oskar FRENKEL was a hairdresser and there is a Page of Testimony
for him, submitted by M. Lerer
FRAENKEL Ch. Rozne towary General store
It is likely that this is Chaim FRENKEL, with a Page of Testimony
submitted by M.Lerer.
FRAENKEL M. Rozne towary General store
This may be Moses Fraenkel who was married to Syma.
FRAENKEL Sz. Rozne towary General store
FRAENKEL S. Rozne towary General store
FRENKEL E. Akuszerki Midwife
FRIEDMANN M. Drozdze Yeast
FUCHS M. Rozne towary General store
FUCHS L. Szewzy Shoemaker
Lubaczow Business Directory 1929, A - C
The following is the first part of a transcribed list I once did of the Lubaczow Business Directory from 1929.
It includes both Jews and non-Jews. I have kept all the names.
As this is a list from 1929, I wanted to check
1. if any of the Jews who died between 1929 and the end of 1938 are on this list
2. if any of the Jews are listed on Pages of Testimony as Holocaust victims
ADLER M. Budowjane materjale Building Material
Could this have been Mendel ADLER who died in 1933, 74 years old?
ADLER D. S. Kuchezine naczynia Kitchen articles
This is probably Dawid Samuel ADLER , married to Elka, listed on
several Pages of Testimony. They had three children born in the 1920's and 1930's :
Moses, Juda Hersch and Mina.
ADLER M. Wyszynk trunkow Liquor store
Could this have been Mendel ADLER who died in 1933, 74 years old?
AMSTER S. Zelazo Iron
ANGER K. Sluzarze
APFELDOERFER B. Blawaty Fabrics
This may be Berisch APFELDOERFER, married to Rachel nee
They are listed on Pages of Testimony with one of their two children
- Josef APFELDOERFER born in the late 1920's.
ARDAN Stefan Adwokat Lawyer
ARGASINSKA A. Akuszerki Midwife
ARGASINSKI J. Bednarze Cooper
ARGASINSKI M. Bednarze Cooper
ARGASINSKI A. Wedliny Meat
ASCHKENAZY Tartaki Sawmill
BANDYRS E. Dr. Lekarze weterynarji Veterinarian
BARD B. Galanterja Haberdashery
BARDACH I. Dr. Adwokat Lawyer
BARDACH L. Geometrzy Land Surveyor
BEGLEITER H. Kuznierze
BERN P. Blawaty Fabrics
BIALOZORSKI P. Piekarnie Baker
BIALOZORSKI P. Murarze Bricklayer
BLANKENHAMER Piekarnie Baker
Could this have been Joel BLANKENHAMER who died in 1938, 54 years old?
M. Lerer listed him on a Page of Testimony. Could it be Lerer left Lubaczow
before Joel BLANKENHAMER's death in 1938?
BLOCKI Wladyslaw Starosta Staroste
BLUMENBERG A. Galanterja Haberdashery
Could this be Ajzik Blumenberg, married to Lea nee BRUNER?
The couple had at least two daughters, Rachel and Malka, listed on Pages
of Testimony, like their parents.
BODENSTEIN S. Blawaty Fabrics
BOGNER J. Szklo I porcelana Glass and porcelene
Could this be Jozef BOGNER who died in 1935, 52 years old?
There is no Page of Testimony for him.
BELZ Fotograficsne zakl. Photo Studio
BRUNNER A. Drzewny przemysl Wood industry
Aba Abusz BRUNER was married to Schifra KREMERMAN.
They are listed on Pages of Testimony, as are their children Eliezer BRUNER
and Chania married HABER
BRUNNER A. Podklady kolejowe Railroad ties
Aba Abusz BRUNER was married to Schifra KREMERMAN.
They are listed on Pages of Testimony, as are their children Eliezer BRUNER
and Chania married HABER
BRUNNER J. Rozne towary General store
Could this be Jakob BRUNER, married to Gitel nee MAUTNER?
They and their children Henia, Mendel, Reizel and Feiga are listed on
Pages of Testimony
BUCHHOLZ M. Rozne towary General store
BUECHNER E. Geometrzy Land Surveyor
CIEZLINSKI J. Koszykarze
CIZOWSKI J. Bednarze Cooper
CZECHOWICZ Robert Notarjusze Notary
CZUWALA J. Spirytus - roziewnie Bottling of alcohol
It includes both Jews and non-Jews. I have kept all the names.
As this is a list from 1929, I wanted to check
1. if any of the Jews who died between 1929 and the end of 1938 are on this list
2. if any of the Jews are listed on Pages of Testimony as Holocaust victims
ADLER M. Budowjane materjale Building Material
Could this have been Mendel ADLER who died in 1933, 74 years old?
ADLER D. S. Kuchezine naczynia Kitchen articles
This is probably Dawid Samuel ADLER , married to Elka, listed on
several Pages of Testimony. They had three children born in the 1920's and 1930's :
Moses, Juda Hersch and Mina.
ADLER M. Wyszynk trunkow Liquor store
Could this have been Mendel ADLER who died in 1933, 74 years old?
AMSTER S. Zelazo Iron
ANGER K. Sluzarze
APFELDOERFER B. Blawaty Fabrics
This may be Berisch APFELDOERFER, married to Rachel nee
They are listed on Pages of Testimony with one of their two children
- Josef APFELDOERFER born in the late 1920's.
ARDAN Stefan Adwokat Lawyer
ARGASINSKA A. Akuszerki Midwife
ARGASINSKI J. Bednarze Cooper
ARGASINSKI M. Bednarze Cooper
ARGASINSKI A. Wedliny Meat
ASCHKENAZY Tartaki Sawmill
BANDYRS E. Dr. Lekarze weterynarji Veterinarian
BARD B. Galanterja Haberdashery
BARDACH I. Dr. Adwokat Lawyer
BARDACH L. Geometrzy Land Surveyor
BEGLEITER H. Kuznierze
BERN P. Blawaty Fabrics
BIALOZORSKI P. Piekarnie Baker
BIALOZORSKI P. Murarze Bricklayer
BLANKENHAMER Piekarnie Baker
Could this have been Joel BLANKENHAMER who died in 1938, 54 years old?
M. Lerer listed him on a Page of Testimony. Could it be Lerer left Lubaczow
before Joel BLANKENHAMER's death in 1938?
BLOCKI Wladyslaw Starosta Staroste
BLUMENBERG A. Galanterja Haberdashery
Could this be Ajzik Blumenberg, married to Lea nee BRUNER?
The couple had at least two daughters, Rachel and Malka, listed on Pages
of Testimony, like their parents.
BODENSTEIN S. Blawaty Fabrics
BOGNER J. Szklo I porcelana Glass and porcelene
Could this be Jozef BOGNER who died in 1935, 52 years old?
There is no Page of Testimony for him.
BELZ Fotograficsne zakl. Photo Studio
BRUNNER A. Drzewny przemysl Wood industry
Aba Abusz BRUNER was married to Schifra KREMERMAN.
They are listed on Pages of Testimony, as are their children Eliezer BRUNER
and Chania married HABER
BRUNNER A. Podklady kolejowe Railroad ties
Aba Abusz BRUNER was married to Schifra KREMERMAN.
They are listed on Pages of Testimony, as are their children Eliezer BRUNER
and Chania married HABER
BRUNNER J. Rozne towary General store
Could this be Jakob BRUNER, married to Gitel nee MAUTNER?
They and their children Henia, Mendel, Reizel and Feiga are listed on
Pages of Testimony
BUCHHOLZ M. Rozne towary General store
BUECHNER E. Geometrzy Land Surveyor
CIEZLINSKI J. Koszykarze
CIZOWSKI J. Bednarze Cooper
CZECHOWICZ Robert Notarjusze Notary
CZUWALA J. Spirytus - roziewnie Bottling of alcohol
Saturday, July 16, 2016
What to do when circumstances change?
One of the couples who lived in Lubaczow before World War One, was Baruch / Boruch Uszer BACH and his wife Chaja BACH. Baruch was born around 1860 and Chaja around 1866.
Baruch BACH was the son of Moses and Laja BACH.
We know of at least four children:
1. The son Josef BACH was born around 1883.
2. The son Max Moses BACH born in 1890 in Lubaczow
3. The daughter Frieda BACH born ca 1895 in Lubaczow.
4. The daughter Rachel BACH, born around 1904 in Lubaczow.
In 1899 there was a big fire in Lubaczow, destroying much of the center of the town. After this, emigration increased, mostly to the United States.
In 1910 Moses BACH traveled from Berlin to Hamburg and then to New York. He was 20 years old, and according to the records he had already been in the States a few years earlier. Though he came from Berlin, he lists his father Baruch BACH in Lubaczow as the person he has left behind. For some reason, his name has a line over it in the manifest. Did he have problems getting into the States?
In the States Moses BACH became Max BACH.
In 1913 Frieda BACH traveled from Lubaczow to New York, listing that she has left her father Baruch BACH in Lubaczow and that she is going to her brother Max BACH in New York. She was 18 years old at the time.
On August 13th 1915 Boruch Uszer BACH died in Lubaczow. He was 55 years old.
Later that month, his son Josef BACH, 32, died.
So far we have not located these two graves.
Left in Lubaczow were Chaja the widow, 51 years old, and the youngest daughter Rachel, only 11 years old.
The two children who had emigrated before the war to the States, Max and Frieda, were now 25 and 20.
During World War One immigration to the States more or less stopped.
In 1921, six years after the death of Baruch BACH, his widow Chaja and his daughter Rachel traveled from Lubaczow to New York to join Max and Frieda BACH, leaving behind the family graves of Baruch and Leib BACH.
Baruch BACH was the son of Moses and Laja BACH.
We know of at least four children:
1. The son Josef BACH was born around 1883.
2. The son Max Moses BACH born in 1890 in Lubaczow
3. The daughter Frieda BACH born ca 1895 in Lubaczow.
4. The daughter Rachel BACH, born around 1904 in Lubaczow.
In 1899 there was a big fire in Lubaczow, destroying much of the center of the town. After this, emigration increased, mostly to the United States.
In 1910 Moses BACH traveled from Berlin to Hamburg and then to New York. He was 20 years old, and according to the records he had already been in the States a few years earlier. Though he came from Berlin, he lists his father Baruch BACH in Lubaczow as the person he has left behind. For some reason, his name has a line over it in the manifest. Did he have problems getting into the States?
In the States Moses BACH became Max BACH.
In 1913 Frieda BACH traveled from Lubaczow to New York, listing that she has left her father Baruch BACH in Lubaczow and that she is going to her brother Max BACH in New York. She was 18 years old at the time.
On August 13th 1915 Boruch Uszer BACH died in Lubaczow. He was 55 years old.
Later that month, his son Josef BACH, 32, died.
So far we have not located these two graves.
Left in Lubaczow were Chaja the widow, 51 years old, and the youngest daughter Rachel, only 11 years old.
The two children who had emigrated before the war to the States, Max and Frieda, were now 25 and 20.
During World War One immigration to the States more or less stopped.
In 1921, six years after the death of Baruch BACH, his widow Chaja and his daughter Rachel traveled from Lubaczow to New York to join Max and Frieda BACH, leaving behind the family graves of Baruch and Leib BACH.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Who was Leib FISCHLER who died in 1920?
This blogpost is the result of an email from Yaffa VERED nee FISCHLER in Israel, the granddaughter of Leib FISCHLER.
In the Lubaczow Death Registry we read that Leib FISCHLER, 60 years old, either born in or coming from Niemirow, the son of Samuel and Chinka FISCHLER, died in 1920.
Leib is not a Biblical name, but a kinnui, a nickname.
Alexander Beider in his “A Dictionary of Ashkenazic Given Names” writes
“ In recent centuries, Leyb, its variants and derived forms were used as kinnuim mainly for Judah and Arieh, but sometimes for Moses too”.
The name Chinka was also new to me. According to Beider it comes from Khane (Chana , חנה). It could be both Chinke and Chinka.
Examining FISCHLER in the Lubaczow Yizkor list, gave the following names:
FISZLER/FISCHLER Yehuda, Kreinze, Schmuel, Rachel, Shimon, Reize and family
Based on the format of the Yizkor list this might mean that a couple named Yehuda and Kreinze FISCHLER/FISZLER were the parents (or grandparents?) of Schmuel/Szmuel/Samuel, Rachel/Rachela, Shimon/Szymon/Simon and Reize (Rosa?) FISCHLER/FISZLER.
Looking at the Pages of Testimony, there is no Page of Testimony for Yehuda/Juda FISCHLER.
There are two Pages for Kreindl /Kreinze FISCHLER.
1. Community member Mendel LEHRER wrote in 1957 that Krajce FISZLER was a widow, had a grocery store, was the widow of Yehuda FISZLER and had four children. He listed her as being 63 when he assumed she was murdered at Belzec in 1942, which means she would have been born around 1879.
2. Her son Noach FISZLER wrote in 1956 that Krajndla FISZLER, the daughter of Aharon Tovia and Rachel (no family name for the parents), was born in Lubaczow in 1880, a housewife, married and the mother of four.
Noach FISZLER wrote an additional two Pages, one for his brother Szmul FISZLER and one for his brother-in-law Szymon KACBACH.
Szmul Samuel FISZLER / FISCHLER was born 1898 in Niemirow (now Nyemiruv, Ukraine) , married to Tova/ Tauba nee TEMER and they had four daughters. The family lived in Lubaczow.
Szymon KACBACH / KATZBACH , born 1901 in Chrzanow, was married to Noach’s sister Rachel, and they had three children. The family lived in Lubaczow.
The fact that Mendel Lehrer wrote that Krajce FISZLER was a widow, and the fact that Noach FISZLER did not write a Page of Testimony for his father, brings me to the possibility that Noach’s father Yehuda Juda FISZLER may be Leib FISCHLER who died in 1920.
To strengthen this theory, comes the death of a baby boy in 1933. Little Leib KATZBACH, only seven weeks old, died in the autumn of 1933. His parents were Szymon KACBACH / KATZBACH and Rachel nee FISZLER / FISCHLER.
Baby Leib KATZBACH could have been named after his maternal grandfather who had died in 1920.
Szymon and Rachel KATZBACH / KACBACH also had another son, Aron, born in 1934, who died in 1935. The three children mentioned on the Page of Testimony were probably those alive when the Holocaust started.
Unfortunately I have not been able to locate the grave of Leib FISCHLER/FISZLER who died in 1920. Perhaps in the future this will be possible.
We should probably look for a grave dated TEVET, SHVAT or ADAR 5680
טבת, שבט או אדר תר"פ
The name of the deceased could be
יהודה בן שמואל
אריה בן שמואל
יהודה לייב בן שמואל
Hopefully his granddaughter and other descendants in Israel will one day be able to visit his grave.
Additional information from Yaffa VERED:
Leib FISCHLER was married twice. First to a woman named Necha Neti. Together they had several children. Six weeks after the birth of their son Moses / Moshe FISCHLER, Necha Neti died.
After this, Leib married Kreindl, Necha Neti's sister. Leib and Kreindl then had children together.
Necha and Kreindl were sisters. Their maiden name may have been FISCHLER, though this is not documented, and we do not know the names of their parents.
More information about two of Leib FISCHLER's sons.
1. Zvi Hirsch FISCHLER managed to escape to Eretz Israel just before the war.
2. Moshe FISCHLER left Lubaczow for Vienna in 1915 and then moved to Berlin. There he married. His daughter Ida was born in 1927 in Berlin and his son Juda Leo was born in 1935. For those who understand Hebrew you can listen to Ida's testimony at Yad Vashem by doing a Google search for "Ida Fischler Berlin"
Last, just a guess:
Yaffa VERED never heard that her FISCHLER family was Levites, but believe they were Israel. Despite this, I believe it is worth checking the following gravestone closer:
In the Lubaczow Death Registry we read that Leib FISCHLER, 60 years old, either born in or coming from Niemirow, the son of Samuel and Chinka FISCHLER, died in 1920.
Leib is not a Biblical name, but a kinnui, a nickname.
Alexander Beider in his “A Dictionary of Ashkenazic Given Names” writes
“ In recent centuries, Leyb, its variants and derived forms were used as kinnuim mainly for Judah and Arieh, but sometimes for Moses too”.
The name Chinka was also new to me. According to Beider it comes from Khane (Chana , חנה). It could be both Chinke and Chinka.
Examining FISCHLER in the Lubaczow Yizkor list, gave the following names:
FISZLER/FISCHLER Yehuda, Kreinze, Schmuel, Rachel, Shimon, Reize and family
Based on the format of the Yizkor list this might mean that a couple named Yehuda and Kreinze FISCHLER/FISZLER were the parents (or grandparents?) of Schmuel/Szmuel/Samuel, Rachel/Rachela, Shimon/Szymon/Simon and Reize (Rosa?) FISCHLER/FISZLER.
Looking at the Pages of Testimony, there is no Page of Testimony for Yehuda/Juda FISCHLER.
There are two Pages for Kreindl /Kreinze FISCHLER.
1. Community member Mendel LEHRER wrote in 1957 that Krajce FISZLER was a widow, had a grocery store, was the widow of Yehuda FISZLER and had four children. He listed her as being 63 when he assumed she was murdered at Belzec in 1942, which means she would have been born around 1879.
2. Her son Noach FISZLER wrote in 1956 that Krajndla FISZLER, the daughter of Aharon Tovia and Rachel (no family name for the parents), was born in Lubaczow in 1880, a housewife, married and the mother of four.
Noach FISZLER wrote an additional two Pages, one for his brother Szmul FISZLER and one for his brother-in-law Szymon KACBACH.
Szmul Samuel FISZLER / FISCHLER was born 1898 in Niemirow (now Nyemiruv, Ukraine) , married to Tova/ Tauba nee TEMER and they had four daughters. The family lived in Lubaczow.
Szymon KACBACH / KATZBACH , born 1901 in Chrzanow, was married to Noach’s sister Rachel, and they had three children. The family lived in Lubaczow.
The fact that Mendel Lehrer wrote that Krajce FISZLER was a widow, and the fact that Noach FISZLER did not write a Page of Testimony for his father, brings me to the possibility that Noach’s father Yehuda Juda FISZLER may be Leib FISCHLER who died in 1920.
To strengthen this theory, comes the death of a baby boy in 1933. Little Leib KATZBACH, only seven weeks old, died in the autumn of 1933. His parents were Szymon KACBACH / KATZBACH and Rachel nee FISZLER / FISCHLER.
Baby Leib KATZBACH could have been named after his maternal grandfather who had died in 1920.
Szymon and Rachel KATZBACH / KACBACH also had another son, Aron, born in 1934, who died in 1935. The three children mentioned on the Page of Testimony were probably those alive when the Holocaust started.
Unfortunately I have not been able to locate the grave of Leib FISCHLER/FISZLER who died in 1920. Perhaps in the future this will be possible.
We should probably look for a grave dated TEVET, SHVAT or ADAR 5680
טבת, שבט או אדר תר"פ
The name of the deceased could be
יהודה בן שמואל
אריה בן שמואל
יהודה לייב בן שמואל
Hopefully his granddaughter and other descendants in Israel will one day be able to visit his grave.
Additional information from Yaffa VERED:
Leib FISCHLER was married twice. First to a woman named Necha Neti. Together they had several children. Six weeks after the birth of their son Moses / Moshe FISCHLER, Necha Neti died.
After this, Leib married Kreindl, Necha Neti's sister. Leib and Kreindl then had children together.
Necha and Kreindl were sisters. Their maiden name may have been FISCHLER, though this is not documented, and we do not know the names of their parents.
More information about two of Leib FISCHLER's sons.
1. Zvi Hirsch FISCHLER managed to escape to Eretz Israel just before the war.
2. Moshe FISCHLER left Lubaczow for Vienna in 1915 and then moved to Berlin. There he married. His daughter Ida was born in 1927 in Berlin and his son Juda Leo was born in 1935. For those who understand Hebrew you can listen to Ida's testimony at Yad Vashem by doing a Google search for "Ida Fischler Berlin"
Last, just a guess:
Yaffa VERED never heard that her FISCHLER family was Levites, but believe they were Israel. Despite this, I believe it is worth checking the following gravestone closer:
Friday, May 20, 2016
Saturday, April 23, 2016
The KUDLER family
According to the Lubaczow death register Mendel ( Menachem) KUDLER died on April 30th 1921. He was only 35 years old and the son of Moses Chanoch and Judes KUDLER. His son Dawid wrote in a testimony that his father died of typhus while travelling to buy horses for the farm.
He had been married to Bronia Bronislawa nee HAUSER and together they had five children. They lived in Baznia Dolna. Their youngest child was Dawid Saul KUDLER born April 20th 1920 in Baznia Dolna.
The location of Mendel KUDLER's grave is not certain.
After Mendel died, Bronislawa Bronia married Mieczyslaw HUETNER (HITNER?) and the family lived on a farm in Rozborz, close to Jaroslaw.
Two of the children, a son and a daughter, managed to emigrate to Eretz Israel before the war.
The three other children - Irena, Mieczyslaw and Dawid - were studying and working in Krakow, and the mother and stepfather were living at the farm in Rozborz.
After the war broke out, the children returned to their mother, as their stepfather, an officer, had already been called to the Polish Army.
Later Dawid KUDLER moved back to Krakow where he worked as a painter for a German firm. He continued to work there even after March 1943 when he had to live in the ghetto in Podgorze.
Later he was transferred to the Plaszow ghetto and then towards the end of 1943 to Czestochowa, working as a painter, and then to Buchenwald. In March 1945 he and the other prisoners were transferred to Bergen Belsen where he was liberated by the British on his birthday April 20th 1945.
His mother Bronia, his stepfather Mieczyslaw HUETNER (HITNER?, his brother Mieczyslaw KUDLER and sister Irena KUDLER were all murdered in Holocaust.
On June 26th 1946 Dawid KUDLER arrived in Haifa.
His brother Arie, affectionately called Lonek, was born in Jaroslaw in 1916 and had managed to emigrate to Eretz Israel in the 1930's. On May 25th 1948, following the foundation of the State of Israel, he was drafted into the Israeli Army. He fell in battle on July 30th 1948 and was first buried at Mishmar Haemek and in 1950 reburied at the military cemetery at Nachalat Yitzchak in Tel Aviv.
Dawid Kudler married, had children. He gave a testimony in Hebrew back in 2004. I have extracted most of the information here.
Dawid Kudler died on April 20th 2014, on his 94th birthday, according to a death notice on the internet.
He had been married to Bronia Bronislawa nee HAUSER and together they had five children. They lived in Baznia Dolna. Their youngest child was Dawid Saul KUDLER born April 20th 1920 in Baznia Dolna.
The location of Mendel KUDLER's grave is not certain.
After Mendel died, Bronislawa Bronia married Mieczyslaw HUETNER (HITNER?) and the family lived on a farm in Rozborz, close to Jaroslaw.
Two of the children, a son and a daughter, managed to emigrate to Eretz Israel before the war.
The three other children - Irena, Mieczyslaw and Dawid - were studying and working in Krakow, and the mother and stepfather were living at the farm in Rozborz.
After the war broke out, the children returned to their mother, as their stepfather, an officer, had already been called to the Polish Army.
Later Dawid KUDLER moved back to Krakow where he worked as a painter for a German firm. He continued to work there even after March 1943 when he had to live in the ghetto in Podgorze.
Later he was transferred to the Plaszow ghetto and then towards the end of 1943 to Czestochowa, working as a painter, and then to Buchenwald. In March 1945 he and the other prisoners were transferred to Bergen Belsen where he was liberated by the British on his birthday April 20th 1945.
His mother Bronia, his stepfather Mieczyslaw HUETNER (HITNER?, his brother Mieczyslaw KUDLER and sister Irena KUDLER were all murdered in Holocaust.
On June 26th 1946 Dawid KUDLER arrived in Haifa.
His brother Arie, affectionately called Lonek, was born in Jaroslaw in 1916 and had managed to emigrate to Eretz Israel in the 1930's. On May 25th 1948, following the foundation of the State of Israel, he was drafted into the Israeli Army. He fell in battle on July 30th 1948 and was first buried at Mishmar Haemek and in 1950 reburied at the military cemetery at Nachalat Yitzchak in Tel Aviv.
Dawid Kudler married, had children. He gave a testimony in Hebrew back in 2004. I have extracted most of the information here.
Dawid Kudler died on April 20th 2014, on his 94th birthday, according to a death notice on the internet.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
October 6th 1915
We already know that a large number of the Jews in Lubaczow died in the year of 1915.
One of the dates that stand out in this tragic connection is October 6th 1915.
Why are so many persons listed in the death register on this particular day?
Was it part of the warfare or was there some epidemic? I do not know.
One of those listed here, Arje PRICKER, is listed as a Russian soldier - so we understand he was a Russian Jewish soldier.
Here is the list , not always with all the data
APISDORF Chaja 55y
BAUMÖHL Isak Josef 1y
DRUK Leib 45y
One of the dates that stand out in this tragic connection is October 6th 1915.
Why are so many persons listed in the death register on this particular day?
Was it part of the warfare or was there some epidemic? I do not know.
One of those listed here, Arje PRICKER, is listed as a Russian soldier - so we understand he was a Russian Jewish soldier.
Here is the list , not always with all the data
APISDORF Chaja 55y
BAUMÖHL Isak Josef 1y
BOGNER Perla 35y
DRUK Syma 60yDRUK Leib 45y
DRUK Małka 70y
FALIK Laja 80y
FISCHLER Mirla 70y
FORST Leib 35y
FRÄNKEL Moses 14y
FALIK Laja 80y
FISCHLER Mirla 70y
FORST Leib 35y
FRÄNKEL Moses 14y
FRÄNKEL Elaser 78y
GABEL Rifka 75y
GÄRTEL Laja 60y
HALPERN Moses Samson 3m
HASS Feiga 65y
HERZBERG Dawid 35y
HIRSCHEL Cywia 68y
KATZ Ire 60y
KIRSCHENBAUM Hersch Kune 80y
KLAPER Chajem Majer 70y
KLAPPER Lieba 70y
KORN Isak 60y
LANGER Isser 30y
MAJER Rachla 35y
MAJER Sprinca 80y
MAJERAN Samuel Dawid 70y
MELER Rifka 35y
MOND Chaja Tauba 90y
MOSEL Pesza 45y
MÜLLER Efroim 70y
REISLER Feiga 65y
REISLER Leib 65y
ROTTER Chajem Majer 50y
SALZBERG Chaja 65y
SAUERBRUN Markus 60y
SCHNEK Salomon Leib 45y
SCHÄCHTER Simszon 95y
SPINDEL Paja 68y
STRASBERG Ita Keiła 60y
TEMER Josef Leib 70y
WALDER Scheindla 2y
NN Pesze Lieba 70y
KLAPPER Lieba 70y
KORN Isak 60y
LANGER Isser 30y
MAJER Rachla 35y
MAJER Sprinca 80y
MAJERAN Samuel Dawid 70y
MELER Rifka 35y
MOND Chaja Tauba 90y
MOSEL Pesza 45y
MÜLLER Efroim 70y
REISLER Feiga 65y
REISLER Leib 65y
ROTTER Chajem Majer 50y
SALZBERG Chaja 65y
SAUERBRUN Markus 60y
SCHNEK Salomon Leib 45y
SCHÄCHTER Simszon 95y
SPINDEL Paja 68y
STRASBERG Ita Keiła 60y
TEMER Josef Leib 70y
WALDER Scheindla 2y
NN Pesze Lieba 70y
Friday, March 25, 2016
World War One: Battles around Lubaczow in the summer of 1915. Diseases
The year 1915 became an extreme year in Lubaczow.
230 deaths were registered that year - a huge number considering a Jewish population of perhaps 1700.
Looking at the list of those who died in Lubaczow in 1915, it is likely that the fighting between the Germans and the Russians in this area took its toll on the civilian population
From the 1929 Swedish Encyclopedia ( Nordisk Familjebok) :
In the book Almanac of World War I by David F. Burg, L. Edward Purcell you should read the description for June 13th 1915 to get an impression of the violent battles in this part of Galicja. I did a simple Google search for "Lubaczow 1915" and could read the relevant passage on Google books.

"רחל בת אפרים "מתה בעת מלחמה מן כלי תותח
Rachel daughter of Efraim "died during the war of a rocket"
But how many of the 230 persons died of some kind of epidemic disease? We do not know.
This is a select list of graves from 1915.
We must remember that children usually did not get any gravestones. Around a third of those who died were 16 years old or younger.
As none of these graves have the family name inscribed, a definite identification must be taken very carefully.
We must remember that children usually did not get any gravestones. Around a third of those who died were 16 years old or younger.
As none of these graves have the family name inscribed, a definite identification must be taken very carefully.
May 24th 1915 |
Malka HOFFMAN married BLEICH 38 years old |
Shmuel HaKohen
Samuel HOFFMAN |
Row 2, Grave 67
May 31st 1915 |
Simcha Benjamin
Benjamin GABEL 80 years old |
Jakob GABEL |
Row 9, Grave 8
July 4th 1915 |
Aharon Zeindel
Aron Sindel KNOPF 60 years old |
Shabtai Yehushua
Szabsa KNOPF |
Row 4, Grave 36
July 15th 1915 |
Fishel Meir
Fischel SCHNEIDER 50 years old |
Josef HaLevi
Row 18, Grave 53
July 15th 1915 |
Sara Keila
Sara GLANZBERG nee REICH 38 years old |
Yaakov Shlomo
Salamon REICH |
Row 18, Grave 52
July 15th 1915
Malka Pesha
Malka Pesza ROSENBACH nee SCHIKLER 50 years old |
Shraga HaLevi
Feibusz Lewi SCHIKLER |
Row 14, Grave 3
July 16th 1915 |
Abraham HERZBERG 45 years old |
Rachmiel HERZBERG |
Row 3, Grave 20
(July 20th 1915?) |
Chana Dvora
Chana Dwojra HERZBERG nee TENZER 35 years old |
Pinkas TENZER |
Row 18, Grave 47
July 18th 1915 |
Moses Lipa ENTENBERG 30 years old |
Row 19, Grave 44
July 20th 1915
Gitla ZIEGELHEIM nee KATZ 60 years old |
Aharon David
Dawid KATZ |
Row18, Grave 46
July 20th 1915 |
Zalman Josef Selman GEMS
40 years old |
Mordechai Arie
Markus GEMS |
Row 19, Grave 52
July 23rd 1915 |
Izak KORMAN 58 years old |
Moshe Josef
Moses Josef KORMAN |
Row 20, Grave 43
Aug 1st 1915 |
Simche ROSENBACH 17 years old |
Row 20, Grave 49
Aug 1st 1915 |
Pesia KRAEMMERMAN nee BRYNER 38 years old |
Salamon BRYNER |
Row 20, Grave 49
August 10th 1915
Moshe David
Moses Dawid LEHRER 80 years old |
Efraim Fishel
Fischel LEHRER |
Row 11, Grave 6
Dec 13th 1915
Chaja APISDORF nee STEINBROCH 55 years old |
Row 13, Grave 3
Moshe David LEHRER , 80 years old, son of Fischel LEHRER, died on August 10th 1915.
Selman GEMS, son of Markus GEMS, died on July 20th 1915.
Here is a list of family names of those who died in 1915, taken from the civilian death register:
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