1. If I had the opportunity, I would like to visit Lubaczow
once more.
Here are some of what I would like to do there:
a. Photograph the gravestones with a camera that would give
the exact GPS measurements. This will be of great help for
future visitors.
b. Come equipped with a list of elderly persons who died
between 1914 - 1938 and whose graves have not yet
been located.
This list should be arranged to these parameters:
* given names of the deceased
* given names of the father of the deceased
* date of death, according to the civilian death register
* date of death, approximate, according to the Hebrew calendar.
c. If anybody in Lubaczow would like to hear a lecture (unfortunately
not in Polish, but in English) about what I have learnt over the years,
I will be honored to give such a lecture.
2. In general, giving a lecture about the Jewish cemetery in Lubaczow
is important for me. I want to share some of what I have learnt
during these years.
Perhaps the result will be that others want to visit the Jewish
cemetery in Lubaczow?
Perhaps the result will be that others will feel inspired to"adopt"
another cemetery?
Perhaps the result will be that others also discover how much
there is to learn about Jewish culture and history through