The parents of Berl KATZ were Josef / Jozef KATZ and his wife Chaja nee RINDLER.
A rough estimate would give Jozef and Chaja's birth years around 1840 - 1845, and their year of wedding around 1863 - 1868.
From the fact that Berl named his oldest son Josef when he was born in 1904, we understand that Berl's father had died before 1904.
From the fact that their son Berl named his daughter born in 1914 Chaja, we understand that Chaja KATZ nee RINDLER had died before 1914.
The three sons we have found so far, all lived around Lubaczow , in Basznia, but had completely different fates.
Their youngest son, Hersch (Zvi) KATZ, was born around 1889, and died, 26 years old in 1915. 1915 was the year that so many died in Lubaczow.
Their son Berl KATZ was born in 1874, was first married to Malka. After Malka's death in 1915, Berl married Chaja. Berl was murdered in the Holocaust.
Their son Izrael / Israel KATZ was born either in 1864 or around 1869. He died in June 1936, either 67 or 72 years old.
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