Monday, August 5, 2024

Bogdan Lisze z"l as the photographer - a thank you I posted back in 2015

Bogdan has been dedicated to the Jewish cemetery in Lubaczow for many, many years, long before I met him. It is hard to imagine how my own visits to Lubaczow without his help and resources. 

He lives in this area, and he often visits the cemetery, and he has made both drawings and taken beautiful photos of the gravestones. 

During my own visits I have always been in a hurry, and my photos are more like snapshots.
You can see from Bogdan's photos how he has cleaned and prepared the stones, before taking great care to get as clear a photo as possible. Impressive!

Bogdan has agreed to let me add his photos to the blog. He wrote that his son Alexander Olek Lisze has helped him with some of the photos.

If you use the top left corner of the blog and write Photos: Bogdan Lisze , you will find his photos.

Thank you, Bogdan!

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