Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Bogdan Lisze z"l introduced me to Varenyky - the Ukrainian pierogi

Bogdan brought me to a cozy small cafe in Lubaczow where we ate varenyky. Sadly I do not remember the address, nor the name of the place. I hope it still exists.

Elderly local women were busy preparing local dishes. Local customers poured into the cafe. A few sat down to eat, but most seemed to take boxes with food  home to eat. I loved the atmosphere.

Bogdan explained that what he called something like pierogi ukrainski would be perfect for me, as they were vegetarian.

The dumplings came in two versions - one with potato mash filling, another with cabbage filling, both with fried onions and sour cream.

The taste of these varenyky is closely linked to my memory of Bogdan and he brought me back there during my different visits.

I therefore looked for recipes to recreate the dishes and remember Bogdan that way.

Here is one

and here is another


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