Monday, August 10, 2015


Group One includes those few gravestones with the family name inscribed.
Group Two has no family names on the gravestones, but here the civilian Death Register (1914 - 1938) has given new possibilities.

I have mainly used these two sources for Group Two:
1. The Death Register written in Latin letters based on the general calendar.
2. The actual text on the gravestones, written in Hebrew letters and based on the Hebrew calendar.

I have then compared the dates of death and the given names of the deceased and the given name of the father of the deceased, in Hebrew and in Latin letters, taking into consideration the Sacred name ( (Shem Kodesh) and the nickname ( Kinnui) with spellings influenced mainly  by German and Polish.
F.ex. Zvi, Hersch, Hersz.

From these comparisons, I present the following graves:

ENTENBERG Beila, 23 years old, died in 1930    ROW 1,  GRAVE 37

ENTENBERG Ester, 77 years old, died in 1926     ROW 28, GRAVE 39

ENTENBERG, Israel, 76 years old, died in 1914     ROW 10, GRAVE 76

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